Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I am the worst blogger in the world...

...or maybe I've just been really busy?

It's February, which is to say that we've survived a lot. Scott is HOME! With his homecoming has come a lot of celebration, a lot of adjusting, and a lot of emotion, but several months had gone by before Scott's here, goes...

Dad successfully got married. I got to see my sisters and my aunt Lisa. We hadn't seen each other since I was 13.

I went to Korea. It was great being with Scott, fun exploring a new country, and sickening...the air gave me the Korea Crud as they call it.

I came home. I got to teach an American Drama class (it was amazing), and I have been working for FYE--mostly fun stuff. I defended my prospectus. :) I went to the SSAWW conference in Philadelphia and the SAMLA conference in Atlanta.

I visited Randi and Dough in Minneapolis for Thanksgiving and Beth and Jonathan in Richmond for Christmas.

I will try to be a better blogger.

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